Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 ENGAGEMENT OUTCOMES PROPOSED WAIHI NORTH PROJECT OceanaGold New Zealand Limited WSP April 2022 7 3 OPEN DAY An Open Day, hosted on 30 October 2021, targeted the broader Waihi community and provided an opportunity for the general public to obtain information and share their views and opinions regarding the project. This event was publicly advertised in the local newspaper and on the local radio station in advance of the event. The original intention was to have a mobile open day event where a bus stopped at various locations around Waihi town on a Saturday morning. COVID-19 constraints meant a static event was held at the Memorial Hall, a central location within Waihi town. 3.1 RESULTS The public were afforded an opportunity to engage face to face. This was to ensure that those members of the public who were not comfortable with the online Maptionnaire survey still had an opportunity to engage on the social impact. The feedback from the public is summarised in Table 3. There were issues that were raised that were not within the scope of the SIA and these again were referred to OGNZL for consideration and attention. The members of the public were split between those opposed to the WNP and those seeking further information. Three of those attended left as soon as they realised that WNP did not include Martha Mine. Some attendees were reluctant to provide their contact details so contact details were retained for three weeks for COVID-19 tracing purposes and then destroyed. Table 3: Open Day Engagement LOCATION SUMMARY OF ENGAGEMENT- POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS IDENTIFIED Waihi Memorial Hall Foyer General Public invitation (approximately 17 attendees) • Fear of undermining and collapse of residences and community infrastructure in the event of an earthquake. • Concerns that job creation only filtered through to employment if the potential “employee had connections within OGNZL” • Perceptions that job numbers would not translate into actual employment. • Perceptions that OGNZL and the previous mine owners Newmont do not invest in the community. • OGNZL’s “top-up” should be extended to the entire town to compensate for adverse effects of mining and more information on how the “top-up” policy operates requested. • Negative property value perceptions from new rock stacks and tailings facilities.