Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 ENGAGEMENT OUTCOMES PROPOSED WAIHI NORTH PROJECT OceanaGold New Zealand Limited WSP April 2022 3 2 STREET EVENTS Street events were held to target larger groups of residents who were identified as being close proximity residents. Four groups of residents were identified based on an understanding of the proposed activities and identification of properties immediately adjacent or within close proximity to the primary project components and clustered by impact (i.e., it was identified that there may be impacts that affect a particular location or area). Close proximity residents were identified as follows:  Willows Road Surface Infrastructure Proximity Residents including Highlands Road  Tunnel Alignment Proximity Residents  Gladstone Open Pit Proximity Residents  Tailings Storage Facility and Northern Rock Stack Proximity Residents Street events locations were identified within each of the four neighbourhoods. Residents received a letter delivered to their mailbox inviting them to attend the event in their immediate area, or any of the other events being hosted nearby. Street events were held on 28 and 29 October 2021 and provided an informal environment to share information and to discuss views and concerns regarding the proposed WNP. Individual landowners allowed a gazebo to be erected on their property for the events which allowed residents to stop by within a specific time window to discuss their concerns as an individual or within a group regardless of the weather conditions. Following the events, additional interviews were held online where landowners or tenants were unable to attend at the time, required additional time for discussion, or were not resident in the area or country. Where issues that were raised were out of scope of the mandate of the SIA, these were passed on to OGNZL. 2.1 RESULTS Table 2 identifies the areas where landowners / tenants were identified as being directly affected by WNP. The feedback from the affected residents can be summarised to encompass the following issues (no particular or weighting is attributed). There were issues that were raised that were not within the scope of the SIA and these were referred to OGNZL.