Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 ENGAGEMENT OUTCOMES PROPOSED WAIHI NORTH PROJECT OceanaGold New Zealand Limited WSP April 2022 1 1 INTRODUCTION Engagement was undertaken for the Waihi North Project (WNP) Social Impact Assessment (SIA) to obtain data to verify the social impact identified and to further understand these to be able to assess them and identify adequate avoidance, remediation or mitigation measures. In addition, it provided an opportunity for stakeholders to develop their understanding of the project and how it may impact on them. The objectives of engagement were therefore to:  Obtain an understanding of local values, knowledge, and experiences  Provide an opportunity to validate data and obtain primary data to support the assessment  Assist impacted stakeholders to understand the proposal and its implications  Understand the interests and perspectives of stakeholders and the community and ensure that the assessment and identification of avoidance, remediation and mitigation measures was informed by local knowledge. A range of engagement tools were used to collect primary data to inform the understanding of the social context and the identification and assessment of impacts. A summary of the engagement methods that were selected to target the various stakeholder groups is provided in Table 1. Table 1: Summary of Engagement Methods STAKEHOLDER GROUP ENGAGEMENT METHODS Residents affected by proximity Street Events: Street events were held with groups of affected by proximity residents. Follow up discussions were held online where landowners were unable to attend or required additional time for discussion. Waihi community and general public Open Day: An Open Day was held to target the broader Waihi community. Online Maptionnaire Survey: Online survey tool targeting people that live or work in Waihi or the local area to gather local information and perspectives about the proposed project. Businesses Survey of Existing Suppliers: Online survey of OceanaGold New Zealand Limited (OGNZL) existing suppliers and service providers to identify the potential social effects of the proposed project. Intercept Survey: Survey of local suppliers and service providers not contracted to OGNZL to identify potential social effects on business and retail.