Supporting Technical Assessments

WSP 26 6.3 NUMBER OF RENTAL PROPERTIES The number of active bonds lodged with Tenancy Services are used as proxy for the number of rental properties currently in the market (Table 6-5). Table 6-5. Number of active bonds April, 202134. Area N. active bonds Waihi Town 399 Local Area 1,848 Waikato 35,940 Bay of Plenty 22,404 New Zealand 384,945 6.4 AVERAGE RENTAL PRICES 6.4.1 NATIONAL, REGIONAL, LOCAL, AND WAIHI TOWN Mean rental price for April 2021 is presented in Table 6-5. Table 6-6. Mean rent April, 202135. Area Geometric mean ($) Waihi Town 425 Local 424 Waikato 428 Bay of Plenty 499 New Zealand 481 34 (Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, 2021b) 35 (Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, 2021b)