Supporting Technical Assessments

WSP 25 6.2.2 OCEANAGOLD EMPLOYEES HOUSING SITUATION33 As of 2020, 60 % of all OceanaGold employees (both directly employed and contractors) owned their current home while the remainder rented either privately (20 %), from OceanaGold (10 %) or had other arrangements (10 %)(Phoenix Research, 2021) (see Table 6-3). Table 6-3 Employees’ housing situations Housing situation (N=369) Count Percentage Own current house 213 60% Rent on private market 70 20% Rent from OceanaGold 34 10% Board/Rent a room 32 9% Company provides accommodation 2 1% Other 1 0% Own a house they do not live in 73 21% 6.2.3 OCEANAGOLD PROPERTY RENTALS AND OWNERSHIP As of 2020, OceanaGold had ownership of 126 residential properties in Waihi (or 6% of the total proportion of private dwellings in the Waihi area) (see Table 6-4) Table 6-4 OceanaGold property rentals and ownership Count Total residential properties in Waihi owned by OceanaGold New Zealand Limited (OGNZL) 126 Sections of land owned by OGNZL 61 Commercial properties owned by OGNZL 8 Unusable properties (in the subsidence zone) owned by OGNZL 66 Other properties (mill, tailings storage facility, underground portal, open pit) owned by OGNZL 11 Total assets rented/owned by OGNZL 272 33 (Phoenix Research, 2021)