Supporting Technical Assessments

WSP 21 5.2.2 NOT IN EMPLOYMENT, EDUCATION OR TRAINING (NEET) The youth Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) rate is used to capture the statuses of New Zealanders aged 15 to 24 years of age in relation to employment, education and training (Ministry for Business, Innovation & Employment, 2019). Table 5-4 shows the percentage of people aged 15-24 years who are NEET split out by the Regional Council. The NEET rates are higher for Waikato and Bay of Plenty than for that of New Zealand. Additionally, the Hauraki district council reported a NEET rate of 15% compared to the New Zealand NEET rate of 12% in 201926. Table 5-4 Youth NEET by Regional Council by Age (December 2021) Total aged 15-24 years27 Regional Council Working Age Population Not in Employment Education or Training NEET Rate Waikato 57,300 7,600 13.3% Bay of plenty 42,600 7,100 16.6% All Regional Councils Total New Zealand 643,400 72,800 11.3% To understand the rates of NEET closer to the Waihi area, responses to the 2018 Census were examined. The number of people aged 15-24 years who reported they were not studying and were also unemployed or not in the labour force were summed and divided by the total number of people aged 15-24 years who reported their work and labour force status (see Table 5-5). Note that Waihi local area is not included as some of the SA2 areas contained confidential data (low numbers reported compromises anonymity). Similar to the December 2021 regional council data, the NEET rate was higher in the Waihi Town, Thames-Coromandel district, the Hauraki district, Waikato and the Bay of Plenty than that of New Zealand as a whole (while Western Bay of Plenty had a similar rate of 12.1% compared New Zealand at 12.4%). 26 (Hauraki District Council, 2021) 27 At URL provided, select 'Work income and spending > Household Labour Force Survey - HLF > Youth NEET by Regional Council by Age (Qrtly-Mar/Jun/Sep/Dec)'. All variables were selected to create this dataset.