Supporting Technical Assessments

WSP 15 A total of 228 suppliers receive a minimum of $30,000 from OceanaGold in 2020; 37 (16%) of which are from the local community and 181 (79%) are within New Zealand (see Table 4-2 Suppliers with minimum sales of $30,000 to OceanaGold New Zealand Limited (2020)Table 4-2). Additionally, of these local community supplier sales total of $28,103,967 (28%). This is second to National sales (30%) and notably higher than the international sales (20%). Further, of the 228 suppliers, 68 of these businesses (38%) receive less than $60,000 in revenue from OceanaGold and account just $2,701,673 (3%) of total sales as seen in Table 4-2 (Phoenix Research, 2021). Table 4-2 Suppliers with minimum sales of $30,000 to OceanaGold New Zealand Limited (2020) Suppliers NZD No. % No. % Local 37 16% $28,103,967 28% Regional 48 21% $21,855,297 22% National 96 42% $30,248,189 30% International 47 21% $20,502,118 20% Total 228 100% $100,720,570 100% Of the supplier, 126 businesses had turnover estimates available. Analysis of the turnover estimated show that only 6% (n=8) of these business’ (6%) received more than 50% of their revenue from OceanaGold in 2020; for local businesses this percentage was between 2-3%. The majority of the businesses received 5% or less of their total business sales from OceanaGold (see Figure 4-4) (Phoenix Research, 2021).