Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 STATUTORY FRAMEWORK Proposed Waihi North Project OceanaGold New Zealand Limited WSP 14 April 2022 6 the timing of closure is uncertain, as are the development of other mining opportunities in the area”. The WNP will extend the life of the Waihi Gold Mine which will positively contribute to the growth of the district through ensuring it continues to be one of the District’s main community and business centres, specialising in mining and servicing the surrounding rural area. 3.2.5 DESTINATION HAURAKI 2030 (TOURISM STRATEGY) Destination Hauraki 2030 (the Hauraki tourism strategy) sets out the vision and objectives for tourism in the district. The vision is: ‘The Hauraki District has a sustainable and inclusive tourism industry that contributes value to its communities, environment and visitors’. The most relevant objective to the WNP is: — Enhanced environment – we protect, respect and enhance Papatūānuku and our natural, cultural and historical taonga. Destination Hauraki 2030 recognises the importance of the quality of the environment. Particularly as the appreciation and experience of the local environment drives the tourism industry in the district. Waihi’s gold history and current mining operations contributes to the tourism value of the district. The WNP represents a continuation of this tourism opportunity which have the potential to contribution to the community and district economy. 4 SYNOPSIS The WNP aligns well with the social aspirations outlined in the relevant policy documents that have been reviewed. References from the Waikato Regional Policy Statement and the Hauraki District plan are provided below to illustrate this. The Waikato Regional Policy Statement recognises the importance of sustainable resource use and development in enabling the provision of economic, social and cultural wellbeing. The statement highlights the need to maintain and enhance the following: a. Access to natural and physical resources to provide for regionally significant industry and primary production activities that support such industry; b. The life supporting capacity of soils, water and ecosystems to support primary production activities; d. Access to the significant mineral resources of the region; As the WNP seeks to access significant gold resources within the Waikato Region, the project is consistent with the above objective. The Hauraki District Plan identifies objectives to address resource management in the district. Objective 5.6.4 (1) is specifically relevant to social aspirations for Waihi: − To enable the people and community of Waihi to provide for its service town role to the surrounding rural area, as well as its role in the mining and tourist industries, at the same time as maintaining an attractive residential environment.