Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 STATUTORY FRAMEWORK Proposed Waihi North Project OceanaGold New Zealand Limited WSP 14 April 2022 5 INTERACTIVE HAURAKI We have a positive climate that encourages balanced and sustained economic growth throughout our district. — Our infrastructural services and facilities are planned and developed to meet future demand. — We actively encourage new economic development opportunities while continuing to support existing ventures and service providers. — We encourage further development of tourism opportunities and facilities focusing on our heritage and eco-tourism. SUSTAINABLE HAURAKI We plan for the wise use and management of all land and resources for the continued benefit of our district. — Our natural and physical environments are sustainably managed. — We have a shared respect for both economic growth and environmental protection. — We support the protection of the district’s significant natural habitats and ecosystems. From a social perspective, the WNP responds to the need to encourage economic development opportunities (Interactive Hauraki); and provide for economic growth while striving for good environmental outcomes (Sustainable Hauraki). The project is therefore considered to be consistent with the relevant community outcomes of the Hauraki LTP. 3.2.3 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (TOWARD 2025) The Economic Development Strategy identifies the five areas or ‘pillars’ where the Hauraki District can best influence economic growth. The strategy sets out goals under each of the five pillars. The expectation is that if these goals are met, there will be an increase in the number of businesses operating in the District, an increase in the number of jobs available, and population growth. The pillar being the most relevant to the proposed project. PILLAR: HAURAKI INC — Attract international business to establish the District. — Encourage investment that provides jobs for people living in the District. This economic development approach highlights the importance of New Zealand attracting international investors into opportunities that increase capital for existing industries and creates job growth. From a social perspective, the WNP will provide job security to the existing workforce and contractors, as well as provide new job opportunities. This will contribute to the continued, and possibly an increase in the standard of living for the Hauraki community. 3.2.4 HAURAKI DISTRICT GROWTH STRATEGY The Hauraki District Growth Strategy sets out six key principles to guide sustainable development of the Hauraki District into the future. The principle of relevance to this project being, “Promote the development of towns and townships that enable people, communities and future generations to provide for their social, economic, cultural and environmental wellbeing”. The Hauraki District Growth Strategy notes, “The eventual closure of the mine in Waihi will have significant effects on people, the community and business in Waihi and the wider area. There are also environmental impacts which will require remediation. It is difficult to plan for this event as