Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 STATUTORY FRAMEWORK Proposed Waihi North Project OceanaGold New Zealand Limited WSP 14 April 2022 3 HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT — The full range of ecosystem types including land, water and coastal and marine ecosystems, is in a healthy and functional state. STRONG ECONOMY — By 2034, household median incomes are above the New Zealand average. — By 2034, value added per capita will grow by 2.8 per cent per annum so that the Waikato region is in the upper third of regions in New Zealand for economic performance. — Economic growth ensures natural capital and ecosystem services are maintained. — New investment is attracted to the region through improved reputation and partnerships. VIBRANT COMMUNITIES — Communities are less vulnerable and more resilient to natural hazards, the effects of climate change and changes to society and economy. — People and communities are well connected to each other, to services (including health and other essential services), and to opportunities including recreation, education and jobs. — We support all parts of the Waikato to be as successful as they can be. The WNP will employ a variety of mitigation measures through the resource consent process to respond to any ecological affects, as well as effects on air, soil and water quality. The proposed project will extend the life of the Waihi Gold Mine thereby ensuring the continued economic contribution to the region. The project will ensure the sustained, and a potential increase in, employment for the workforce and contractors. This will ensure continued regional economic growth and contribution to a successful economy, reducing community vulnerability to economic change. Overall, the WNP is aligned with the LTP community outcomes. 3.1.2 WAIKATO REGIONAL POLICY STATEMENT The Regional Policy Statement (RPS) outlines the significant resource management issues for the region, and the policies and methods to be used in managing its physical and natural resources. The RPS addresses a number of regionally significant issues that are relevant to the consideration of social impacts associated with the WNP. These include state of resources; effects on climate change; managing the built environment; relationship of tāngata whenua with the environment (te taiao); and health and wellbeing of the Waikato River catchment. Resource use and development is particularly relevant and has the following objective: OBJECTIVE 3.2 RESOURCE USE AND DEVELOPMENT Recognise and provide for the role of sustainable resource use and development and its benefits in enabling people and communities to provide for their economic, social and cultural wellbeing, including by maintaining and where appropriate enhancing: a. Access to natural and physical resources to provide for regionally significant industry and primary production activities that support such industry; b. The life supporting capacity of soils, water and ecosystems to support primary production activities; d. Access to the significant mineral resources of the region;