Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 STATUTORY FRAMEWORK Proposed Waihi North Project OceanaGold New Zealand Limited WSP 14 April 2022 2 Schedule 4 of the RMA outlines the information required in support of an application for resource consent. The inclusion of socio-economic and cultural effects as one of the key effects that must be addressed within the assessment of environmental effects, is highlighted in Section 7(a) of this schedule. The above RMA references highlight the broad legal framework within which this SIA study is undertaken. 3 REGIONAL AND LOCAL PLANS Regional and local plans and strategies can provide a good indication of social matters important to the community. Review of relevant documents can provide insight as to whether a proposed development, in this case the WNP, aligns with the social aspirations contained within these plans. The following documents have been reviewed: − Waikato Regional Long Term Plan 2018-2028 − Waikato Regional Policy Statement − Hauraki District Plan − Hauraki Long Term Plan − Hauraki District Economic Development Strategy (Towards 2025) − Hauraki District Growth Strategy − Destination Hauraki 2030 (Hauraki Tourism Strategy) The key social themes identified in these documents are: − The importance of air, soil and water quality to peoples’ health and wellbeing, livelihoods and recreational aspirations, including the effect that appreciation for the environment has on peoples’ experiences and sense of place. − The importance of sustainable resource use that enables people and communities to provide for their economic, social and cultural wellbeing. − The quality of the environment and the importance of maintaining the amenity value for people and communities. 3.1 WAIKATO REGION 3.1.1 2018-2028 LONG TERM PLAN Waikato Regional Council’s long-term plan (LTP) is a requirement of the Local Government Act 2002. It contains information about the Waikato Region’s planned activities for the next ten years and shows how these contribute to the region’s three long term outcomes Healthy Environment, Strong Economy and Vibrant Communities. The community outcomes identified under each of these themes define the regional council priorities. Those outcomes most relevant to the proposed project are as follows: