Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 81 8. CONCLUSIONS The WNP has both positive and negative effects. The social impacts have been reviewed utilising the internationally and locally accepted IAIA framework. The effects have been analysed according to the stage of the development (operation/construction), the magnitude of the effect before mitigation and the magnitude of the effect post-mitigation. A number of the social effects on environment, amenity and wellbeing can be mitigated by a range of measures recommended through other specialist reports2. These mitigations are endorsed in addition to a range of social mitigations identified in Section 7 above. In addition to the social mitigation identified, a review and update of the SIMP is required to ensure the inclusion of the WNP and associated monitoring requirements. The positive effects of the project post mitigation are considered to be high or moderate: • Job security and sustained livelihoods. • Social upliftment for reduced unemployment. • Social upliftment from increased business activity and indirect employment opportunities. The negative effects of the project post mitigation considered to be high or moderate: • Increased demand for housing. • Change in sense of place for the Willows Road area. • Reduced quality of the environment as a result of increased traffic movements in the Willows Road area. 2 Transportation Assessment (Stantec, 2022), Assessment of Noise Effects (Marshall Day Acoustics, 2022), Blasting and Vibration Assessment (Heilig & Partners, 2022), Air Discharge Assessments (Beca, 2022), Lighting Assessment (Pedersen Read Limited 2021), Landscape, Natural Character and Visual Effects Assessment (Boffa Miskell, 2022), Recreation and Tourism Assessment (Rob Greenaway & Associates, 2022), Dam Breach Assessment (Engineering Geology Limited, 2021), and Social Impact Assessment Dam Breach (WSP New Zealand 2022).