Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 80 7.2.7 EXISTING POLICIES AND PROCESSES: It is recommended that the following existing policies and processes continue leading up to and throughout the WNP: • OGNZL complaints registration and feedback process • OGNZL communication and engagement plan • Top-up Policy 7.3 MONITORING OGNZL have an existing SIMP which provides the framework for assessing the social effects of their mining activities. The SIMP Framework contains management plans for the following six themes: • Economy • Employment • Property • Community • Health and wellbeing • Future of Waihi and the OGNZL legacy Monitoring of key indicators contained within each of the identified themes is undertaken annually by an independent specialist. Over and above the social mitigation identified, WSP have recognised the requirement to review and update this SIMP to ensure inclusion of the WNP and any additional monitoring requirements relevant to this project.