Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 77 7.1.5 FEARS AND ASPIRATIONS SOCIAL EFFECTS MITIGATION Reduced land value and financial implications Relevance:  Fears / concerns raised by residents affected by proximity on land value (GOP, above ore transport tunnel, upper end of Willows Road adjacent to the surface infrastructure area) (1) “Top up” policy Application of OGNZL’s “top up” policy which provides homeowners with compensation to close the gap between the market value and offer received. These properties (Appendix E) are:  Within 300 m south of the Gladstone pit in the Heath Road area.  East of the Northern Rock Stack along Golden Valley Road for 500 m.  Directly above the proposed Ore Transport Tunnel alignment.  At the upper end of Highland Rd and Willows Rd, adjacent to the Willows Road SFA. To be eligible for Top Up a property must meet the following criteria:  The property must be within one of the above defined areas  The property must be on the market with a registered real estate agent; and  The property must have been on the market for a period of at least four months following the announcement of the Waihi North Project Only one Top Up is available per property. A purchaser, having bought a property with the benefit of a Top Up from OceanaGold Waihi, cannot then resell that property and rely on the second purchaser receiving a second Top Up to make up any difference in the price offered and market value. The first purchaser has benefited through buying the property at a lower cost to them, which has then been ‘topped up’ by the company and has done so with full knowledge of the proximity of the property to the mining activity. Reduced safety and security ced safety and se u Relevance:  Fears / concerns that mining will result in increase in traffic / people movement that may affect safety and security  Perceived impact of crime from increase of strangers being in the area  OGNZL to advise staff and contractors not to park in Willows Road and to limit activities associated with the mine to the OGNZL site and to avoid any loitering in the local neighbourhood.