Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 76 7.1.3 ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL EFFECTS MITIGATION Reduced quality of the environment – traffic, noise, blasting and vibration, air emissions, lighting and visual amenity Relevance:  Potential reduced quality of the environment and associated amenity for residents located in close proximity to Willows Road SFA, tunnel alignment, GOP, TSF3 and NRS due to traffic, noise, vibration, air emission, lighting and visual nuisances. (1) General Mitigation  Specialist reports pertaining to traffic, noise, blasting and vibration, air emissions, lighting and visual effects be made available to the residents identified as likely to be affected due to proximity. Experts shall be made available to outline the findings of their studies.  Continuation of the OGNZL complaints registration and feedback process. (2) Specialist Mitigation Mitigation recommended in the:  Transportation Assessment  Assessment of Noise Effects  Blasting and Vibration Assessment  Air Discharge Assessments  Lighting Assessment  Landscape, Natural Character and Visual Effects Assessment 7.1.4 WELLBEING SOCIAL EFFECTS MITIGATION Reduced wellbeing as a result of:  Anxiety – due to the uncertainty associated with the perceived or anticipated effects of the WNP.  Change in the quality of the environment – changes in the environment, particularly relating to aspects people value about their lifestyle and the location they live in.  Clear, transparent and consistent messaging regarding the project on a regular basis.  Sharing of information related to the WNP and anticipated effects (specialist studies) with those affected by proximity. Experts to be made available to outline the findings of their reports.  Continuation of the OGNZL complaints registration and feedback process.