Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 70 Mitigation • OGNZL to advise staff and contractors not to park in Willows Road and to limit activities associated with the mine to the OGNZL site and to avoid any loitering in the local neighbourhood. 6.5.3 RISK OF FLOODING AS A RESULT OF DAM BREACH The risks of dam breach from a tailings storage facility were not a widely identified risk or fear other than from a small number of residents who live in close proximity to the proposed new tailings facility (SF3). A dam breach assessment for TSF3 has been undertaken by Engineering Geology Limited (November 2021) and a Social Impact Assessment by WSP New Zealand Limited March 2022. Storage 3 (TSF3) is to be designed and operated in accordance with dam safety guidelines meaning it will have a low and acceptable risk of potential failure, and a breach would be highly unlikely to occur. Mitigation: • Provide ongoing, quality technical information to the community in a form that is suitable for lay people to allay fears and concerns. 6.5.4 FUTURE ASPIRATIONS FOR WAIHI From the consultation with the community and community groups the ongoing life of the mine was perceived to be positive as the mine has a long history of supporting the community and community activities. A number of groups such as Run Waihi, Waihi Mountain Bike Club, Blackhill Motocross Club, Waihi Community Resource Centre and individuals at the public event all identified enhancement opportunities OGNZL could be involved in. This included the improvement of existing facilities through a range of activities including track grading, facilities maintenance, provision of water supply, landscaping and environmental enhancements, supporting further development at Morgan Park, further Waihi town enhancements, ongoing delivery of firewood to disadvantaged members of the community and the support of community events (Appendix C). The enhancement opportunities identified by the community and community groups that are not a direct consequence of mining are covered by OGNZL and their Corporate External Affairs and Social Performance (EA&SP) function. The EA&SP function outlines how OGNZL understands community and societal expectations, participates in meaningful community relations and activities, engages with stakeholders, delivers internal and external communications and provides sponsorships, amongst others. 6.5.5 COMMUNICATIONS AND ENGAGEMENT REQUIRED Fears and aspirations can be managed or enhanced through good communication. Feedback was received from the Open Day at the Waihi Memorial Hall and from directly affected neighbours that there were negative perceptions around OGNZL’s communications and engagement strategy. The need for the provision of regular and up to date information, fewer changes to projects once publicly known, provision of more visual material and greater opening hours at the OGNZL Information Centre were identified during consultation.