Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 67 Mitigation: The following mitigation has been identified to reduce potential effects of wellbeing: • Clear, transparent and consistent messaging regarding the project on a regular basis. • Continuation of the OGNZL complaints registration and feedback process. Impact Assessment REDUCED WELLBEING (DUE TO ANXIETY AND / OR CHANGES IN THE QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT Phase: Construction and Operation Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Local area Local area Duration Medium term Medium term Magnitude Few affected Few affected Consequence Minor Minor Likelihood Possible Unlikely Significance Moderate Low 6.5 FEARS (PERCEPTIONS) AND ASPIRATIONS Fears and aspirations under the IAIA framework include perceptions of safety, fears about the future of their community, and aspirations for the future and future of their children. In the context of this assessment, the fears and aspirations relate primarily to: • Financial impacts and how the proposed activity may impact on land value, and development potential as well as financial implications should mining restrict or inhibit current land use activities. • Reduced safety and security through the introduction of additional people and vehicles into previously relatively isolated areas where everyone who is resident is known. • Fears for safety of people, animals and property in the event of a dam breach resulting from a failure in a tailings storage dam or overflow from the tailings facilities as a result of a heavy rainfall event or events. • Structural damage of buildings from blasting and tunnelling and collapse of residents and community facilities either from undermining or as a result of earthquake activity. • Aspirations of how mining could enhance Waihi town and support that could be offered to the community to improve community and other facilities. • General fears around mine activities and how this may impact of the lives and aspirations of the community. An assessment of the significance of fears and aspirations has not been undertaken, but rather a description of the key themes that were arose out of the engagement process has been provided with identification of mitigation measures where relevant.