Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 65 • The WUG is located in the Coromandel Forest Park which is a landscape that is sensitive to change. There are no potential views of underground mining activities, and topography and landcover will ensure that vent raises will not be seen beyond their immediate context. Views of vent raises will be extremely limited, and the visual effects have been assessed to be very low. • There is a high level of visual containment associated with the GOP. Visual effects from all potential viewing areas have been assessed as being of low to very low significant, apart from the views from Black Hill during the construction phase which have been assessed as being moderate to low. • Views associated with the NRS are largely contained by surrounding landforms associated with existing mining activities. Visual effects are low to very low from all viewpoints with the exception of near distance views from a residential dwelling on Golden Valley Road. This is considered to be a short-term effect as planting will provide visual screening within a 5-year period. • All views of the TSF3 are considered low with the exception of Trig Road North where views from rural dwellings and rural roads will be moderate to high during construction, moderate during operation, and low following rehabilitation. The overall visual effects are not considered significant. For most people living in and around Waihi, the WNP will remain visually contained with no visual effects. Following the operational phase, the project component areas will be rehabilitated and reassimilated into the existing landscape. Impact Statement: Changes in landform and visual effects associated with mining have the potential to reduce the amenity value of the environment. Residents that live in close proximity to WNP project components are likely to be most affected by visual modifications as this has the potential to change the character of their immediate environment. The extent of the impact is limited to local areas adjacent to the project component, the duration of the impact will range from short term to medium term and a potential change in the quality of the environment will be limited to a few affected residents. As the effect is considered to be minor and the probability of effect occurring is unlikely, the significant of the effect is assessed as low. Mitigation: Mitigation measures recommended within the Visual Effects Assessment are supported. The anticipated social effects can be mitigated through the provision of: • Information regarding anticipated effects to be provided to those residential receivers that have the potential to experience moderate visual effects. • Continuation of the OGNZL complaints registration and feedback process. Impact Assessment: REDUCED QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT – VISUAL AMENITY Phase: Construction and Operation Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Local area Local area Duration Short to medium term Short to medium term