Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 64 Mitigation recommended to address the social effects associated with night light effects include: • OGNZL to engage with the identified residential receivers to ensure they are aware of the potential effects and the management measures identified to mitigate this. • Continuation of the OGNZL complaints registration and feedback process. Impact Assessment: REDUCED QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT – LIGHTING Phase: Construction and Operation Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Site specific – residential receivers associated with the Willows Road SFA Site specific – residential receivers associated with the Willows Road SFA Duration Medium term Medium term Magnitude Few affected Few affected Consequence Minor Minor Likelihood Unlikely Unlikely Significance Low Low 6.3.6 IMPACT ON QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT – VISUAL AMENITY Whilst the WNP is proposed to take place within the context of ongoing mining activity, the surface components of the project will result in landform changes which may be visible from adjacent areas. Changes in the character of the landscape from the introduction of new activities and changes in landform have the potential to affect the amenity value of the receiving environment. During engagement with residents affected by proximity, visual effects was a significant concern raised by the GOP proximity residents. Willows Road SFA proximity residents did not raise any concerns regarding visual effects during consultation. At the open day hosted for the general public, a request for more accurate visual representations was made. The Maptionnaire survey did not specifically request feedback on current and potential visual effects of mining. Visual amenity from Trig Road North, with specific reference to the TSF3 facility, was raised as a concern in the open comments at the close of the survey. Impact Description: The Visual Effects Assessment (Boffa Miskell, 2022) concluded that the visual effects associated with the WNP are not considered significant, this is due to the underground nature of the WUG and sympathetic siting of surface facilities. A summary of the findings of the Visual Effects Assessment is as follows: • Willows Road SFA site will be visible from a number of residential dwellings and transport routes. Change in view is primarily due to the development of the Waste Rock Stack with low lying infrastructure obscured by existing and proposed vegetation. Overall visual effects were assessed to be low to very low, with the exception of views from adjacent residents’ dwellings on Willows Road, which were assessed to be moderate to low during construction and operation.