Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 63 Whilst night-light was not identified as the most significant concern by those participating in the Maptionnaire survey, there is a perception that the proposed project will result in an increase in night light effects. Artificial night lighting has the potential to reduce the quality of the environment for residents that live in close proximity to the project components associated with the WNP. The extent to which these residents may be affected will largely depend on whether the night lighting presents a significant change from their current environment. Impact Description: The Lighting Assessment (Pedersen Read Limited, 2021) has determined that: • Installation of a streetlight (for safety) at the intersection between the public section of Willows Road and the Willows Road SFA may result in an exceedance of the Hauraki District Plan direct spill light requirement of 8.0 lux (lumens per square metre). • Artificial lighting associated with above-ground construction activities at the Willows Road SFA will result in an increase in both glare and sky-glow from locations with a view. This affect has been assessed to be minor. With management measures the potential effects have been assessed to be minor due to their temporary nature and day shift operations. • The GOP, NRS, TSF3 and Processing Plant components of the WNP all occur in proximity to existing mining operations and in areas that have some form of artificial lighting and have been assessed to have a less than minor effect on surrounding properties. • Mobile lighting plant, used to illuminate large construction activities and / or changing operational areas, has the greatest potential to create glare and sky-glow effects. The Lighting Assessment concluded that lighting effects as a result of the WNP were minor or less than minor, if appropriate management measures are implemented. Given the area associated with the Willows Road SFA is currently sparsely illuminated, night-light from during the construction and, to a lesser extent, the operational phase has the potential to result in a change from the current environment if unmitigated. Those residents in close proximity to the other WNP components are less likely to experience a change in the quality of their environment as the current environment is characterised by existing mining operations which have some form of existing artificial lighting. Impact Statement: Those residents in close proximity to, and that have a view of, the Willows Road SFA have the potential to be exposed to night-light effects during the construction and operational phases. A change in the quality of the environment and associated amenity for residents that have a view of the Willows Road SFA would be experienced over the short and medium term (0-15 years) during the construction and operational phase of the Willows Road SFA. The potential impact would be limited to a few receptors, and it is considered unlikely that there would be a change in the quality of the environment. The overall significance of a change in the quality of the environment due to lighting effects is assessed to be low. Mitigation: Implementation of the recommendations provided in the Lighting Assessment will result in the reduction in potential effects on residential receptors and are therefore supported.