Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 62 Impact Assessment: REDUCED QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT – AIR QUALITY Phase: Construction and Operation Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Site specific – areas immediate adjacent to the Willows Road SFA, NRS and Processing Plant. Site specific – areas immediate adjacent to the Willows Road SFA, NRS, and Processing Plant. Duration Dust: temporary (0-1 year), short term (0-5 years) Processing Plant Emissions: medium term (5-15 years) Dust: temporary (0-1 year), short term (0-5 years) Processing Plant Emissions: medium term (5-15 years) Magnitude Few affected Few affected Consequence Minor Minor Likelihood Unlikely Unlikely Significance Low Low 6.3.5 IMPACT ON QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT – LIGHTING Artificial lighting is required to support the proposed WNP. Pedersen Read Limited (2021) have undertaken an assessment of the impact of artificial lighting on the night-time environment in relation to the WNP. The assessment has been undertaken against the Hauraki District Plan requirements and the principles of Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZA 4282: 2019 “Control of obtrusive effects of outdoor lighting”. The area for the Willows Road SFA is currently sparsely illuminated. The GOP, NRS, TSF3 and Processing Plant areas of the WNP occur within proximity to existing mining operations, with the majority of these areas currently having some form of artificial lighting. Mobile lighting has the greatest potential to create glare and sky glow effects during construction and operational phases. During engagement, night lighting was raised as a specific concern by the Willows Road SFA residents affected by proximity. The change in night lighting during the construction and operational phase and the potential impact on sleep and amenity were highlighted. GOP proximity residents raised concerns regarding health, wellbeing and amenity relating to the mine’s 24-hour operation which including night lighting. Those that live and or work in Waihi that responded to the Maptionnaire survey were asked to comment on the extent to which night light impacts was a current effect of mining, and the extent to which they perceived it would be an effect of the proposed project: • Current night light impacts: 5% of respondent’s identified that night light has a major negative effect, and 32% indicated a minor negative effect. 60% of respondents indicated that there was no current night light effect. • Proposed light levels: 14% of respondent’s stated they anticipate light will have a major negative effect, and 39% indicated a minor negative effect with 46% responding that they don’t anticipate any effect from night light associated with the WNP.