Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 61 The assessment of effects undertaken by Beca Limited concludes that, provided mitigation measures are applied, the adverse effects of discharges to air from the WNP are considered low. Impact Statement: There is the potential for dust generated to cause nuisance to two properties in close proximity to the Willows Road SFA and two properties in close proximity to the NRS. The extent of the impact will be limited to the area immediately adjacent to the Willows Road SFA and NRS respectively. The duration of the impact is anticipated to be temporary (0-1 years) to short term (1-5 years) with the magnitude of the impact limited to a few affected. Given that emissions are not expected to exceed relevant standards, the likelihood of an adverse effect on the quality of the environment of the identified properties is considered unlikely. With the implementation of implementation of mitigation measures identified by the air quality specialist the risk is not expected to exceed relevant standards and the overall significance is therefore considered to be low. Residents in the Willows Road area have raised concern regarding dust effects. Providing further information on the anticipate effects will improve residents’ understanding of the extent of the effect which will reduce the level of concern. Providing a means to log complaints (complaints hotline) will allow residents to raise issues as soon as these arise. Continuation of the OGNZL complaints registration and feedback process will ensure these complaints are investigated, addressed, and feedback provided, thereby reducing the potential effect on the quality of the environment for these residents. Emissions from the Processing Plant are anticipated to increase, and this has the potential to affect the quality of the air beyond the site boundary. The extent of the impact will be limited to the area immediately adjacent to the Processing Plant. The duration of the impact is anticipated to be medium term (5-15 years) during the operation phase, with the magnitude of the impact limited to a few affected. Given that air emissions are not expected to exceed relevant standards, the likelihood of an adverse effect on the quality of the environment is considered unlikely. With the implementation of implementation of mitigation measures identified by the air quality specialist the risk is not expected to exceed relevant standards and the overall significance is therefore considered to be low. Mitigation: The Air Discharge Assessment outlines the mitigation measures required, which are included in the Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP). The mitigation measures currently used to control dust at the mine will continue to be implemented, and these measures are included in the AQMP. The mitigation identified to address dust and emissions from the Processing Plant are supported. The following are recommended to address the potential amenity effects associated with emissions: • Results of the Air Quality Assessments to be discussed with concerned residents and those identified as likely to be affected. • Continuation of the OGNZL complaints registration and feedback process.