Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 58 • Blasting associated with the GOP will result in a change in the existing vibration environment for a small, isolated area at the eastern end of Moore and Clarke Streets and Boyd Road. Vibration has the potential to affect around 50 properties, the majority of which will be subjected to low and marginally perceptible levels of vibration. Fewer than 5 properties were modelled to receive more than 2 mm/s, with no property greater than 3 mm/s. Blasting, and associated vibration has the potential to result in a change in the quality of the environment for those residents that are directly affected residents. Vibration has the potential to affect residential amenity and associated wellbeing if not suitably mitigated. Impact Statement: Minor but perceptible vibration, associated with the development of the tunnel between WUG and the processing plant, will be experienced by a few residences around the eastern end of Mataura Road. The extent of the impact will be limited to the local area, and given blasting will be completed within a few months, the duration of the impact is temporary (0-1 year). Vibration will be marginally perceptible for less than 5 properties associated with blasting for the GOP. The extent of the impact will be limited to the local area, and as blasting is scheduled for 6 years (20242029) as such the duration is medium term (5-15 years), with the magnitude of the impact limited to a few potentially affected parties. The probability of an impact on the quality of the environment for identified residents is considered unlikely. A change in the quality of the environment as a result of blast and vibration has been assessed to be of low significance. Residents have raised concern regarding vibration effects. Providing further information and improved understanding of the extent of the effect will reduce stakeholder anxiety and may reduce the extent to which amenity is affected. In addition, the continuation of the OGNZL complaints registration and feedback process will ensure these are investigated and addressed, thereby reducing the potential effect on the quality of the environment for these residents. Mitigation: Mitigation identified in the Blasting and Vibration Assessment is supported as implementation of these measures will contribute to a reduction in the impact on the quality of the environment for those affected residents. Mitigation recommended to address the social effects associated with vibration include: • Results of the Blasting and Vibration Assessment to be discussed with concerned residents and those identified as likely to be affected. • Continuation of the OGNZL complaints registration and feedback process. Impact Assessment: REDUCED QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT – BLAST AND VIBRATION Phase: Construction & Operation Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Site specific – residential receivers associated with the GOP and tunnel between WUG and the Processing Plant Site specific – residential receivers associated with the GOP and tunnel between WUG and the Processing Plant