Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 57 6.3.3 IMPACT ON QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT – BLASTING AND VIBRATION The components of the WNP which will require blasting are the new GOP, the WUG, and the tunnel linking the WUG to the existing Processing Plant area. A Blasting and Vibration Assessment (Heilig & Partners, 2022) has been prepared to demonstrate that the WNP can be undertaken in line with the key outcomes of the Hauraki District Plan, including that vibration does not adversely affect the amenity values of other land users. The overall outcome of the Blasting and Vibration Assessment is that, with good practices and controls in place, blasting can be completed without unnecessary impact and within the 95% compliance limit of 5 mm/s. The effects of blasting and vibration was a key concern raised during engagement. Significant concern regarding blasting and vibration effects on wellbeing and amenity of both residents and animals, was highlighted by the tunnel alignment proximity residents. The potential for vibrations from blasting to effect wellbeing and amenity was raised by the Willows Road SFA proximity residents. The GOP proximity residents stated vibration levels were a concern and more information was requested on how this would be monitored. In addition, one of the GOP proximity residents raised the issue of the impact of vibration on animals and therefore the use of the land. Vibration was one of the primary concerns raised by those who participated in the Maptionnaire survey. Those that live and or work in Waihi that responded to the survey were asked to comment on the extent to which vibration levels was a current effect of mining, and the extent to which they perceived it would be an effect of the proposed project: • Current vibration levels: Vibration was identified as being the most significant area of impact associated with current mining operations, with 18% of respondent’s having indicated a major negative effect, and 51% stated a minor negative effect. • Proposed vibration levels: Following traffic and dust, vibration was identified as the third most significant impact associated with the WNP, with 22% of respondent’s stated they anticipate vibration levels will have a major negative effect, and 49% indicated a minor negative vibration effect associated with the WNP. Blasting during the construction phase, and the associated vibration levels, has the potential to reduce the quality of the environment for residents that live in those areas identified as likely to be affected. Vibration levels, if perceptible, can have a negative effect on the amenity value of a residential environment. Impact Description: The Blasting and Vibration Assessment identified the anticipated effects of the construction and operational phases of the WNP as follows: • The current vibration environment around WUG is low and there are no sensitive properties within a few kilometres of the blast area. The overall vibration footprint has been determined to be very low. • Blasting associated with the tunnel between WUG, and the Processing Plant will result in vibration that is considered minor but perceptible to the nearest residences in the area around the eastern end of Mataura Road. Blasting is anticipated to progress quickly, as such perceptible vibration will only be experienced for a few months.