Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 56 The predicated operational noise associated with the GOP will just exceed recommended noise levels at 27 properties located in close proximity, and a small adverse impact on amenity is anticipated that requires mitigation. During the operational phase there is the potential for a change in the quality of the environment for a small number of properties due to the noise levels associated with the GOP works. The extent of this impact is limited to the immediate local area and is anticipated to occur from approximately one to six years (largely short term). The magnitude of the impact will be limited to a few affected properties. Given noise is anticipated to within regulated limited and that mitigation measures will be implemented to reduce noise, the probability in a change in the quality of the environment for these residents is considered unlikely, and as such this social effect has been assessed to be of low significance. Sharing the outcomes of the Assessment of Noise Effects prepared by Marshall Day Acoustics will assist to some extent in allaying stakeholder concerns relating to noise. Continuation of the OGNZL complaints registration and feedback process will ensure affected parties can raise complaints relating to noise and have these addressed timeously. Mitigation: Mitigation has been identified in the Assessment of Noise Effects, which seeks to reduce the overall impact of operational noise on affected residents, is supported, in particular the preparation of a NMP. The following mitigation is recommended to address the social effects associated with exposure to increased noise during the operation phase: • Results of the Assessment of Noise Effects to be discussed with the residents that raised concerns regarding noise as well as those residents likely to be affected. • Continuation of the OGNZL complaints registration and feedback process. Impact Assessment: REDUCED QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT – NOISE Phase: Operation Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Site specific – residential receivers associated with the Willows Road SFA and GOP Site specific – residential receivers associated with the Willows Road SFA and GOP Duration Short term Short term Magnitude Few affected Few affected Consequence Minor Minor Likelihood Unlikely Unlikely Significance Low Low