Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 55 The following mitigation is recommended to address the social effects associated with exposure to increased noise during construction: • Results of the Assessment of Noise Effects to be discussed with the residents identified as likely to be affected. • Continuation of the OGNZL complaints registration and feedback process. Impact Assessment REDUCED QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT – NOISE Phase: Construction Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Site specific – residential receivers near the Willows Road SFA Site specific – residential receivers near the Willows Road SFA Duration Short term Short term Magnitude Few affected Few affected Consequence Minor Minor Likelihood Unlikely Unlikely Significance Low Low Impact Description – Operational Phase: Operation related noise effects assessed Marshall Day Acoustics (2022) are summarised as: • GOP: operational levels are predicted to be below 50 dB LAeq operational limit at all receivers except 27 residential dwellings (Moore Street, Barry Road, and George Street), and these residents will experience a small adverse impact on the level of amenity if unmitigated. • NRS: operational noise is compliant with the recommended criteria. • TSF3: predicted noise levels are below the assessment criteria. • WUG: Willows Road SFA: operational noise levels at the nearest rural receivers comply with recommended noise limits and are considered acceptable. The early years (2024-2026) will be most critical for noise emissions associated with the GOP operations. Noise levels are predicted to be above 50 dB LAeq at 27 receivers (51 to 55 dB LAeq) in relation to the GOP work for approximately 1-6 years. There is anticipated to be a small adverse impact on the level of amenity experiences at these properties. It has been proposed that a noise management plan (NMP) be prepared which will outline methods to ensure noise levels do not exceed 50 dB at any residence. With this mitigation in place, Marshall Day Acoustics (2022) consider the noise emissions from GOP to be reasonable. Impact Statement: Noise during the operational phase associated with the WUG and Willows Road SFA will be lower than that experienced during the construction phase. The potential for operational noise to affect the quality of the environment for these residents is considered to be unlikely.