Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 54 noise environment and the recommended noise standards. Overall, noise levels will be compliant with the recommended criteria apart from a small number of minor exceedances. Noise effects from the WNP are acceptable, in summary: • Construction noise levels remain compliant in almost all circumstances. • There will be a small adverse impact on the level of amenity of some receivers due to operational noise levels which requires mitigation to achieve the best outcome. Impact Description – Construction Phase: Construction related noise effects calculated in the Assessment of Noise Effects, are summarised as: • GOP: the calculated noise levels associated with construction activities compliant with the proposed noise limit. • NRS: the calculated noise levels associated with the construction of the earth bunds will be compliant at the closest dwelling. • TSF3: in all scenarios, predicted noise levels are therefore compliant. • WUG: for the Willow Road SFA site, the construction noise levels at the nearest rural receivers comply with recommended noise limits and are considered acceptable. For the ventilation raise sites located on DOC land, noise from construction both on the ground and from helicopter operations would potentially have some small effect on the recreational users of DOC land. Due to the short duration, and infrequent use of recreational users, this effect is considered insignificant. Whilst noise will be within the regulated limits, Willows Road residents are more likely to be affected by an increase in noise given the current ambient noise levels are lower than those measured in the Waihi township and residential areas identified to be in close proximity to the other WNP components. Impact Statement Construction related noise may affect the quality of the environment for those residents in Willows Road that are in close proximity to the Willows Road SFA, given the current rural nature of the area. The extent of this impact is limited to the site and immediate local area and would have a shortterm duration (1-5 years) over the construction phase of the project (2024-2028). Given noise is anticipated to be within regulated limits and that mitigation measures will be implemented to reduce noise, the probability in a change in the quality of the environment for these residents is considered unlikely. Overall, the significance of the potential change in the quality of the environment as a result of noise during the construction phase is assessed to be of low significance. Residents near the Willows Road SFA have concerns that they will be affected by noise. Some of these concerns can be mitigated through the sharing of the outcomes of the Assessment of Noise Effects report. Continuation of the existing complaint registration and feedback process will provide the means for affect residents to raise complaints relating to noise so that these can be identified and addressed. Mitigation: Mitigation has been identified in the Assessment of Noise Effects, which seeks to reduce the overall impact of construction noise on affected residents, is supported.