Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 53 Impact Assessment REDUCED QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT - TRAFFIC Phase: Construction and Operation Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Site specific Site specific Duration Short term (1-5 years) Short term (1-5 years) Magnitude Few affected Few affected Consequence Minor Minor Likelihood Possible Possible Significance Moderate Moderate 6.3.2 IMPACT ON QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT - NOISE The WNP will result in noise emissions during the construction and operational phases. An increase in noise has the potential to reduce the quality of the environment for residents that live in close proximity to the project components associated with the WNP. Noise can be intrusive and can have a negative effect on the amenity that individuals value in their residential environment. During engagement, noise was raised as a concern by the Willows Road SFA, Tunnel Alignment and GOP residents affected by proximity. The Willows Road proximity residents were particularly concerned regarding construction and operational noise and raised significant concerns relating to a 24-hour operation based on their recent experience of the exploration phase. GOP proximity residents highlighted the adverse effects on amenity given the quiet nature of the area, and that the mine would impact negatively on lifestyle and wellbeing. Noise from helicopter flyovers was raised as a potential adverse effect of amenity by the Willows Road and Tunnel Alignment proximity residents, with helicopter noise disturbance to livestock or animals raised by a Willows Road and GOP close proximity resident. The Assessment of Noise Effects confirms that helicopter operations and associated noise effects would be limited to a small potential effect on recreational users of the DOC land. Given the infrequency of recreational use of the affected DOC area, and the short duration associated with helicopter disturbance, the overall impact was considered negligible. Those that live and or work in Waihi that responded to the Maptionnaire survey were asked to respond to the extent to which noise level was a current effect of mining, and the extent to which they perceived it would be an effect of the proposed project: • Current noise levels: 13% of respondents identified that noise has a major negative effect, and 42% as a minor negative effect • Proposed noise levels: 20% of respondents stated they anticipate noise will have a major negative effect, and 44% indicated a minor negative effect. Whilst noise was not identified as the most significant concern by those participating in the Maptionnaire survey, it does appear that there is a perception that the proposed project will result in an increase in noise effects. Marshall Day Acoustics (2022) have investigated and assessed the proposed noise emissions from the project and identified mitigation that can be implemented, with consideration of the existing