Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 50 During engagement, the Willows Road affected by proximity residents highlighted the quiet nature and amenity of the area and the lifestyle and wellbeing opportunities it currently offers them. A few residents identified that they have a personal connection to the area. Concerns were raised regarding a change in the environment (noise, traffic, dust, lighting, vibration, etc) that would reduce amenity and therefore result in the change in the nature of the area. Impact Statement: The WNP will result in a change in the character of the Willows Road area, and this has the potential to change the sense of place or connection for some of the residents that live there. This change is limited to this location and immediate surrounds and the duration of the impact would be for the life of the project (from the start of construction to completion of decommissioning) which is considered to be medium term. If the project goes ahead, it is possible that sense of place will be affected for some individuals. The change in sense of place for those people living in the vicinity of the Willows Road SFA has been assessed to be of moderate significance. Mitigation: • Sharing of information related to the WNP and anticipated effects (specialist studies) with those affected by proximity residents in Willows Road. Experts to be made available to outline the findings of their reports. • Clear, transparent and consistent messaging regarding the project on a regular basis. • Continuation of the existing OGNZL complaint registration and feedback process. Impact Assessment: Change in Sense of Place – Willows Road Phase: Construction, Operation and Decommissioning Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Site specific – Willows Road area Site specific – Willows Road area Duration Medium term Medium term Magnitude Few affected Few affected Consequence Minor Minor Likelihood Possible Possible Significance Moderate Moderate