Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 48 may cause a knock-on effect and may require community services such as health and education to grow to support a larger population The majority (57.1%) of schools surveyed stated that both the current mining operations and the proposed expansion of the mine would affect their school. When asked to elaborate on what these effects are, answers generally related to employment at the mine leading to increased numbers of students. Implications of an increase in school roll included factors such as staffing, retaining culture and opportunities for increased funding. Of the schools that were surveyed, 85.7% stated that they would be able to accommodate an increase in student numbers if demand increased. Of the two medical and emergency facilities surveyed, both stated that the current and proposed mining operations have no effect on their operations in any way. One facility stated they could meet future increases in demand for their services, whilst the other stated they would need additional funding to do so. Impact Description: There is a potential for population influx during the construction and operational phase as a result of the workforce requirements being met from outside the local area. This influx has the potential to result in pressure on community facilities and services and the inability of school, medical and emergency services and community facilities to accommodate an increase in demand. During the construction and operational phase of the WNP the anticipated population influx into the local area as a result of direct workforce requirements is estimated at 800 people. This influx represents 2% increase of the local area population of 40,074 people. Impact Statement Population influx and the resultant pressure on community facilities and services may result in local community members not having easy access to the health and community facilities they need. The extent of this impact is limited to the local area and would have a medium-term duration (15 years) over the construction and operational phase of the project. The potential impact would be on the local community and the probability of this taking place is unlikely. The potential for increased demand to reduce access to health and community facilities has been assessed to be of low significance. Mitigation • The development of a local workforce through the implementation of a Skills Development and Training Action Plan will reduce the influx of new employees into the local area, thereby reducing the likelihood of there being pressure on community services and facilities. Impact Assessment INCREASED DEMAND ON COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND SERVICES Phase: Construction and Operation Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Local area Local area Duration Medium term Medium Magnitude Moderate number Moderate number Consequence Minor Minor