Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 47 • Provision of an information pack providing guidance on housing and accommodation options (various towns) and associated travel distance as part of OGNZL’s recruitment strategy. • Increasing the local workforce participation through the implementation of a Skills Development and Training Action Plan will reduce the influx of new employees into the local area, thereby reducing the demand for housing. Impact Assessment INCREASED DEMAND FOR HOUSING Phase: Construction and Operation Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Local area Local area Duration Medium term Medium term Magnitude Moderate Moderate Consequence Moderate Minor Likelihood Likely Likely Significance High High 6.2.6 IMPACT ON DEMAND ON COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND SERVICES A portion of the workforce to support the WNP is likely to be sourced from outside of the local area, resulting in an influx of new employees and their families into the area. This population influx has the potential to place pressure on existing community facilities and services including: • Health, medical and emergency services. • Schools. • Community facilities such as churches, council facilities (libraries, community halls) and community support organisations. • Sports facilities. There are 25 schools covering a variety of levels in the Waihi and local area. There are medical services available locally, hospital facilities located less than 60 km from Waihi, and emergency facilities available in both the local area and regionally. There is a diverse range of community facilities (such as churches, libraries, community centres) in Waihi and the local area and numerous sports and recreational facilities. From the engagement undertaken, the general sentiment from those interviewed and participating in surveys was that the proposed WNP would not result in pressure on community facilities and services. The vast majority (over 85%) of respondents to the Maptionnaire survey stated the proposed project would have no effect, or a positive effect, on access to schools, health services and community facilities. A number of community members mentioned in interviews that there are medical facilities locally and hospitals within reasonable driving distance. Some concern was raised by the Waihi Community Resource Centre that there may be social implications of a large influx of people coming into an area that is not well resourced with social services due to the lack of local social workers and councillors. The anticipated population influx