Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 44 Impact Assessment INCREASED BUSINESS RELIANCE ON MINING Phase: Construction, Operation and Decommissioning Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Local area Local area Duration Medium term Medium term Magnitude Few affected Few affected Consequence Minor Minor Likelihood Unlikely Unlikely Significance Low Low 6.2.5 IMPACT ON DEMAND FOR HOUSING The availability of housing (stock) and lack of affordable housing options are significant challenges across New Zealand. Shortage of housing was the most significant issue raised during the engagement process. The current housing environment in the local area was discussed specifically in interviews with real estate agents, home builders, Kāinga Ora and relevant representatives from the Hauraki District, Thames Coromandel District and Waikato Regional Councils. In addition, the housing challenge was raised independently by numerous stakeholders including various labour supply, training, community facilities and services organisations. Current Situation In 2018, construction within Waihi town, the local area and the Waikato District was below the national rate of construction, however home ownership in Waihi and the local area was higher than in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty Districts and nationally (Appendix B). The mean rental prices for April 2021 reflect that the Waihi, the local area and Waikato District have a similar mean rent which is 10-15% lower than the Bay of Plenty District and New Zealand as a whole (Appendix B). Representative interviews provided the opportunity for local representatives to share their sentiments regarding the current housing situation in the local area. All interviewees stated that the demand for housing in the local area substantially exceeds supply and that there is a significant shortage in sales and rentals. There has been an influx of people moving from larger centres (e.g., Auckland and Tauranga) into the area to work or retire. The high demand for property has resulted in an increase in housing prices. The shortage of local housing, particularly rental accommodation, restricts the movement of people into the area. Housing is a barrier to finding employees from outside the local area. As experienced across the country, the housing challenge in the local area is due to a number of factors including a lack of housing stock, infrastructure limitations, and an increasing gap between the cost of housing and income levels. In addition, there is a severe lack of emergency housing in Waihi and the local area. OGNZL currently makes one of its properties available for short term, emergency accommodation.