Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 40 Impact Statement: The continued job security and sustained livelihoods during the operational phase of the project is a positive impact directly affecting 106 existing OGNZL staff and their families for a medium-term period (six years). If the WNP goes ahead, the probability of this impact occurring is almost certain, and the overall significance is therefore considered to be extreme (positive). Mitigation: Not applicable. Impact Assessment JOB SECURITY AND SUSTAINED LIVELIHOODS Phase: Operational Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Local area Duration Medium term Magnitude Moderate number Consequence Moderate Likelihood Almost Certain Significance Extreme (positive) 6.2.3 SOCIAL UPLIFTMENT FROM INCREASED BUSINESS ACTIVITY AND INDIRECT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Over and above the direct employment in the mine, gold mining activity supports a wide range of businesses and jobs in the region (Economic Assessment, 2022). Mining is the main industry in the Hauraki District Council area and accounts for 22.4% of the district’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The WNP provides an opportunity for increased business activities, growth of local and regional businesses and the resultant indirect employment within the wider economy. The WNP will boost the local and regional economy. It has been estimated that approximately 30% of the wider benefits are likely to be in the local district, with a further 30% within the regional context (Economic Assessment, 2022). The majority of those interviewed commented that the business community would welcome the proposed project as it represents economic stability for the local area. Data obtained from the survey undertaken of existing OGNZL suppliers (Appendix B) provides insights into current and anticipated business growth. The majority (90%) of respondents stated that the proposed project would have a positive effect on the local economy. A large proportion (83%) of businesses stated that they would respond to an increased demand for goods and services to support the proposed project, with 47% indicating they would continue as is but shift more of the business towards meeting this demand and 36% would focus investment and increase staffing levels to meeting demands. Regarding new employee requirements, 38% of respondents stated that new staff would most likely come from Waihi town and the local area, whilst 56% anticipated people to come from either regional or national workforce. The majority of respondents (78%) were