Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 39 medium-term period. The impact will be on the local community (moderate number) and is considered possible. The overall significance of the impact of social upliftment from reduced local unemployment is considered moderate (positive). The opportunity exists to increase the magnitude, consequence and likelihood of this effect in order to achieve a significance of high (positive) with the implementation of a Skills Development and Training Plan Mitigation Not applicable. Enhancement • The development of a local workforce through the implementation of a Skills Development and Training Action Plan. Impact Assessment SOCIAL UPLIFTMENT FROM REDUCED LOCAL UNEMPLOYMENT Phase: Construction and Operation Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Local area Local area Duration Medium term Medium term Magnitude Moderate number Many affected Consequence Minor Moderate Likelihood Possible Likely Significance Moderate (positive) High (positive) 6.2.2 JOB SECURITY AND SUSTAINED LIVELIHOODS The existing underground mining operation, Project Martha, is forecast to be completed by 2030. On completion, a portion of the Project Martha workforce is proposed to be retained and transferred to the WNP operational workforce. The workforce requirements of the WNP (Appendix D) reflect that OGNZL expects the following workforce retention for its operations between 2031 and 2036: • 50 people in roles supporting the operation of the processing plant and water treatment plant. • 56 general and administrative staff. This proposed retention represents 28% of the existing workforce of approximately 380 full time equivalents (FTE’s). Impact Description: The transfer of staff from Project Martha to the WNP workforce represents the extension of employment and, therefore, job security for over 100 people during the operational phase. Continued employment over an additional six-year period (2031-2036) will result in sustained livelihoods for those directly employed, their families and others that they support.