Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 35 Impact Statement: An increase in traffic on Willows Road will make stock movement more challenging and may pose safety risk to both vehicles, vehicle users and stock. The extent of the impact will be largely limited to the immediate Willows Road area. The duration of the impact will be short term, and will affect directly affected owners, occupiers and users of properties in this area. If not mitigated, it is possible that the impact would occur. Overall, it is assessed as a moderate impact if unmitigated, however will be reduced to low if the mitigation identified is implemented. Mitigation: The mitigation identified in the Transportation Assessment (Stantec, 2022) is supported. In particular, the Transportation Assessment has identified the requirement for a Project Traffic Management Plan which will address effects on farm operations (including stock crossings). To address the social effects identified, the following mitigation is required: • Discussion of the outcomes of the Transportation Assessment with Willows Road stock owners • Continuation of the OGNZL complaints registration and feedback process. Impact Assessment REDUCED SAFETY OF STOCK MOVEMENT Phase: Construction Pre-Mitigation Assessment Post-Mitigation Assessment Extent Site specific Site specific Duration Short term (1-5 years) Short term (1-5 years) Magnitude Few affected Few affected Consequence Minor Insignificant Likelihood Possible Rare Significance Moderate Low 6.2 COMMUNITY EMPLOYMENT AND POPULATION INFLUX OGNZL has determined the workforce requirements for the construction, operation and decommissioning phases of the WNP (Appendix D). The total direct workforce required to support the WNP is an average of 292 over a 17-year period (2022-2038). presents current employee numbers (baseline) and forecasted WNP employee numbers over time (Sense Partners, 2022).