Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 30 6. ASSESSMENT The potential social impacts associated with the WNP that have been identified (Table 9) are described and assessed in this section. The IAIA recommended risk assessment methodology has been used to identify the overall significance of the impacts. Table 9: Potential Impacts IAIA CRITERIA POTENTIAL IMPACTS Way of life  Loss of, and impact on, recreational facilities  Reduced safety of stock movement Community  Social upliftment from reduced local unemployment  Job security and sustained livelihoods  Social upliftment from increased business activity and indirect employment opportunities  Impact on business reliance on mining  Impact on demand for housing  Impact on demand on community facilities and services  Change in sense of place Environment  Impact on quality of the environment from traffic, noise, blasting and vibration, air emissions, lighting and visual amenity Wellbeing  Impact on wellbeing Fears and Aspirations  Impact on land value and financial implications  Impact on safety and security  Risk of flooding as a result of dam breach  Future aspirations for Waihi  Communications and engagement required Mitigation measures identified by the relevant specialist studies contributed to the reduction of adverse social effects. The assessment of social effects assumes the implementation of the mitigation measures recommended by specialists. The post-mitigation assessment included in this section assesses the effectiveness of the social mitigation proposed. OGNZL have an existing SIMP which provides the framework for assessing social effects of their mining activities. Data collection for the key indicators contained within the SIMP is undertaken annually by an independent specialist, with reporting prepared biennially for the preceding two years. Over and above the social mitigation identified, WSP have recognised the requirement to review and update this SIMP to ensure inclusion of the WNP and any additional monitoring requirements relevant to this project.