Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 26  Paeroa racecourse has development potential of 230 lots though there are infrastructure challenges. Council is looking to increase residential capacity by 15ha.  Shortage of industrial land. Likely an industrial plan change will be progressed in 2022 looking to free up 10ha of land. There are however infrastructure challenges.  A Council priority is around training opportunities and growing skills in an area of high deprivation. Important focus in an area of high deprivation.  HDC receive a limited number of complaints as OceanaGold is very responsive and largely well regarded by the local community. Complaints are mainly around the tailings storage facility.  OGNZL development aligns with Council’s employment objectives around upskilling and increasing incomes to improve wellbeing.  Project provides opportunities for training and upskilling which leads to better paid jobs in the local economy.  Council has various programmes underway to encourage young people into employment who currently are not supported by MSD. MSD providing employer support for apprenticeships with local businesses in the manufacturing and primary sectors. Valley Education runs programmes to develop work ready skills and help place people in employment. WINTEC is keen to be involved in programmes. Council would like to see more jobs for iwi.  Council has a strategic objective to maintain a decent living environment around all the wellbeings. There is a need to maintain amenity which will require consideration around noise and vibration etc. from the tailings facility and Gladstone pit. Comfortable that community and support services can grow to meet the demand of an expanded mine workforce.  Expansion will continue reliance on mine though there are more diverse opportunities than previously (Hauraki Rail Trail, Gold Discovery Centre). Work already undertaken by Waihi Vision Trust exploring the future post mining. Mine closure is not an issue frequently raised with Council. Councillor Spicer - Hauraki District Council  Population influx could further impact housing prices and rentals which are already at unaffordable levels.  Population influx could impact on schools and medical facilities. Waihi East is at capacity as is one medical centre.  Job creation will have a positive impact and with potential for apprenticeships and early positioning for work through skills development such as heavy vehicle licenses. Opportunity for the Community Forum established through previous mining consents to be involved in training initiatives.  As a mitigation measure expansion of the Community Forum with OGNZL to support a range of community initiatives. Service Centre Manager Work and Income  Increased job opportunities was considered positive but there are barriers to uptake as suitable skills providers will need to come into the District or be more active in the community. Educational support will be needed. Pastoral support has to be very regular to overcome challenges on intergenerational unemployment, and drug and alcohol abuse or lack of motivation.