Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 24 5.3 STAKEHOLDER GROUPS 5.3.1 INTERVIEWS A series of interviews was undertaken based on anticipated impacts. The key engagement outcomes and themes from the interviews are outlined in Table 7. Table 7: Stakeholder Interview Outcomes STAKEHOLDERS SUMMARY OF ENGAGEMENT INCLUDING POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS IDENTIFIED Community facilities and services  Sports and recreation facilities and clubs (Run Waihi, Waihi Mountain Bike Club, Blackhill MotoX club)  Medical facilities, fire and emergency services - Waihi Fire Station  Schools Run Waihi  No direct effects, as Martha Pit is no longer considered part of the project.  Any future works in the area and around the project that improves or enhances recreational benefits would be considered positive social benefit. Waihi Mountain Bike Club  10km of track have been built over time from 2010 onwards largely on OGNZL land with origins in Nugget Multi- Sport Festival which was held as a community event. The development of the proposed Gladstone Open Pit will result in the loss of the track and an existing recreational facility.  Replacement of the facility has positive effects on mental and physical wellbeing and post-mine-closure, a sustainable and attractive facility. Sport ‘N Action Trust  Loss of tracks would have an impact on the running of Nugget Multi-sport Event as the event partly utilises tracks within OGNZL land (attracts participants nationally, locally and regionally).  Mine closure would impact clubs and participant numbers and thus potentially the viability of some facilities. Blackhill Moto-X Club  GOP operations affect access across OGNZL-owned land to the Blackhill Moto-X club track with impact on local and regional recreational use (60% of users are regional). Waihi Community Resource Centre (WCRC)  Limited employment opportunities in the district that has cultural, social and financial poverty. Mine expansion will improve locally based training and employment opportunities and community upliftment. Support systems will be required to move people into the employment opportunities connected.  There is a housing shortage for sale and rent both in Waihi and the broader local area. Local housing is critical to attract workers particularly from disadvantaged sectors of the community, as commuting is challenging.  Perceptions that OGNZL have purchased houses and rented them out causes negative perceptions in the community.  Perceived impact on social services with increased population influx. Potential impact reduction could result from formation of a