Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 23 5.2 BUSINESSES IN THE LOCAL AREA 5.2.1 BUSINESS SURVEYS Two surveys were undertaken, an online survey for OGNZL current suppliers and an intercept survey for local businesses who may be affected by the mine expansion but who were not current OGNZL suppliers. The key engagement outcomes from the surveys are outlined in Table 6. Table 6: Business Survey Outcomes LOCATION SUMMARY OF ENGAGEMENT INCLUDING POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS IDENTIFIED Online Supplier Survey (175 respondents)  89.5% of respondents felt the project would have a positive effect on the local economy.  81% of respondents felt the project would increase their business or have no effect.  78.1% of respondents were supportive to very supportive of the mine expansion.  66.2% of respondents stated that only 1-10% of their business was attributable to the mine.  The closure of Martha Pit in 2015 had minor or no impact on revenue or staff numbers.  58.4% of respondents felt that continuation of mining to 2037 would have minor or no effect on their business.  59.9% of businesses felt there would be minor or no effect of eventual cessation of mining in Waihi.  47.4% of businesses would continue as is but would shift to cope with extra revenue opportunities from mining.  36.1% of businesses would focus investment and increase staffing to cope with the mine expansion.  16.5% of businesses would make no changes to respond to mine expansion.  With businesses increasing staff numbers, it is anticipated that 64.2% of staff would come from the local area and region. Business Intercept Survey (30 businesses of 81 businesses identified across the ANZSIC06 codes participated)  Over the last five years 50% of businesses stated they had experienced growth and 41.7% expected growth to continue over the next five years.  71.4% of respondents stated 0-10% of their business was mining related.  69.6% said the closure of Martha Pit had no effect on their business.  82% felt that mining ceasing in 2037 would not affect their business.  76.2% of businesses would continue as is but would shift to cope with extra revenue opportunities from mining.  100% believed labour needs would be met from within the region.  38.5% of businesses were supportive or very supportive of mining, 30.8% were neutral and 11.5% were unsupportive.  67% felt the project would have a positive effect on the local economy.  58% felt the project would increase their business or have minor to no effect.