Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 22  Concerns that mine expansion would lead to further shortages in housing and pressure on prices for the local community.  Safety and lifestyle concerns around noise and vibration from operations and blasting.  Fears arising from project changes and how those are communicated to the public and OGNZL engagement methods.  OGNZL should make financial reparations to all Waihi owners to compensate for the effects of mining activity.  Positive effects of mining on the community in terms of employment and wealth generation. 5.1.3 MAPTIONNAIRE SURVEY The general public were able to participate in identifying social impacts through the use of the Maptionnaire online survey. The key engagement outcomes from the survey are outlined in Table 5 below. Table 5: Maptionnaire Outcomes LOCATION SUMMARY OF ENGAGEMENT INCLUDING POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS IDENTIFIED Online Survey (160 respondents)  93% of respondents either lived or worked and lived in Waihi or local area as defined by the 30 km radius.  90% of respondents were 25 years or older with an almost even split between male and female.  53% of respondents supported the project, 20.5% had concerns about specific parts of the project, 12.8% suggested other activities, and 12.8% were opposed to the project.  Vibration and dust levels were key concerns for both current and proposed activities.  Traffic movements were the key concern for the proposed activities.  70.1% of participants stated that there would be no change in their visiting behaviour to the locations they visited and 12.1% felt they would need to change their normal behaviour.  74% of respondents felt there would be no effect (neither a positive nor negative effect) from traffic on Willows Road and 60% on Baxter Road.  The components of the project identified as having the most significant social impacts were Gladstone Pit (35% or respondents), followed by 21.3% for mining at Wharakirauponga, 15% for increase in tailings storage, and 13.8% in respect of plant processing activities.