Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 21 Tunnel Alignment Proximity Residents Number of parties contacted: 13 (Waihi-Whangamata Road, Mataura Road, Reservoir Road, Wharry Road and Wenlock Street)  Loss of land value due to the effects and perceptions of mining particularly land in Wharry Road identified by Hauraki District Council in the Draft Growth Strategy for rezoning from rural to residential.  Concerns about the tunnel alignment route and the exploration of other alignment options over OceanaGold land.  Impacts of blasting on physical structure of residential and other buildings.  Impacts of noise and blasting on the wellbeing of people and productivity of farm animals.  Noise from helicopters, disturbance of livestock and invasion of privacy with flights from 7:30am to 8.00pm.  Lack of detailed information from OGNZL heightening fears and concerns. Gladstone Open Pit ladston Proximity Residents Number of parties contacted: 11 (Heath Road and State Highway 2)  Impact on visual amenity.  Impact of dust frommining and from trucks settling on structures.  Perceived health effects from dust from mining and trucks  Impacts from vibrations from blasting and operations on amenity and wellbeing.  Impact on land value and certainty around OGNZL “Top-up” policy.  Impacts on health, wellbeing and amenity from a 24-hour mining operation.  Impacts of noise, dust and vibration on animals and consequential financial impact on a landowner.  Dewatering of mining affecting bore and potable water. Tailings Storage Facility Proximity Residents Number of parties contacted: 7 (Trig Road North) The same concerns were expressed by the Trig Road North and Golden Valley Road residents namely:  Impact of night-works on amenity and wellbeing.  Impact on land value and development.  Impact of dust settlement on potable water supplies. Northern Rock Stack Proximity Residents Number of parties contacted: 3 (Golden Valley Road) As above, plus visual impacts. 5.1.2 OPEN DAY The public was afforded an opportunity to engage face to face. This was to ensure that those members of the public who were not comfortable with the online Maptionnaire survey still had an opportunity to engage on the social impacts of the project. The feedback from the public is summarised in Table 4. Table 4: Open Day Engagement LOCATION SUMMARY OF ENGAGEMENT INCLUDING POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS IDENTIFIED Waihi Memorial Hall Foyer General Public invitation (approximately 17 attendees)  Fear of undermining and collapse of residences and community infrastructure.  Safety fears around dam breaks from tailings facilities.  Concerns that job creation would not occur or be limited to those already connected to mining activities.  Negative property value perceptions from the new rock stack and tailings facilities.