Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 17 IAIA FRAMEWORK FOR IDENTIFICATION OF IMPACTS The IAIA’s SIA Guidance Note (SIA Guidance for assessing and managing social impacts of projects, IAIA, April 2015) explains social impacts as being changes to one or more of the following: • Way of life: how people live, work, play and interact with one another on a daily basis. • Culture: shared beliefs, customs, values and language. • Community: cohesion, stability, character, services and facilities. • Political systems: extent to which people are able to participate in decisions that affect their lives, level of democracy, and resources provided for this purpose. • Environment: the quality of the air and water people use, the availability and quality of the food they eat, the level of hazard or risk, dust and noise they are exposed to, the adequacy of sanitation, physical safety, and access to / control over resources. • Health and wellbeing: physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing. • Personal and property rights: whether people are economically affected, or personally disadvantaged including violation of civil rights. • Fears and aspirations: perceptions of safety, fears about the future of their community, aspirations for the future and future of their children. Potential social impacts were identified within the categories defined within the IAIA framework. Not all the categories are relevant to all projects. When considering the applicability of the IAIA framework to the WNP, the following were identified as not relevant to the study for the reasons stated below: • Political systems: the wider political system and ability to participate democratically in society is not considered a key project related issue. • Culture: Māori cultural matters are excluded from the scope of this SIA as these will be addressed in the Cultural Values Assessments prepared by the relevant iwi. • Health: the SIA does not include a detailed Health Impact Assessment, however, individual and community wellbeing associated with a healthy environment has been considered. • Personal and property rights: there is no acquisition of property or relocation / demolition of residential homes and businesses proposed. REVIEW OF SPECIALIST STUDIES WITH A “SOCIAL LENS” A wide range of specialist studies were undertaken to inform the AEE. The following studies were identified to be of relevance to the SIA study and the final draft reports reviewed with a “social lens” to inform the identification and assessment of the social impacts of the WNP: • Transportation Assessment (Stantec, June 2022). • Assessment of Noise Effects (Marshall Day Acoustics, May 2022). • Air Discharges Assessment – Waihi Facilities (Beca Limited, February 2022). • Air Discharges Assessment – Wharekirauponga Underground Mine (Beca Limited, February 2022). • Processing Plant Air Discharge Assessment (Beca Limited, March 2022).