Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 16 Waihi community and general public Open Day: An Open Day, targeting the broader Waihi Community, provided an opportunity for the general public to obtain information and share views and opinions regarding the project. Online Maptionnaire Survey: Online survey tool targeting people that live or work in Waihi or the local area to gather local information and perspectives about the proposed project. Businesses Survey of Existing Suppliers: Online survey of OGNZL’s existing suppliers and service providers to identify the potential social effects of the proposed project. Intercept Survey: Survey of local suppliers and service providers not contracted to OGNZL to identify potential social effects on business and retail. Community, facilities and service representatives Interviews: Interviews were held with representatives of sports and recreational facilities, schools, medical facilities, fire and emergency services. Regulatory authorities Interviews: Interviews were held with district and regional council representatives, as well as Work and Income. Housing and accommodation Interviews: Interviews were held with Kāinga Ora, Real Estate Agents, and housing contractors. Education, training and labour organisations Interviews: Interviews were held with polytechnics, transitional industry training organisations and a labour supply organisation Focus Group Meeting: A Focus Group Meeting was held to explore the potential opportunities and challenges associated with local job creation and what that may mean for employment and skills development. The meeting included representatives of education, training, employment and social services sector organisations. 4.2.4 IMPACT IDENTIFICATION The identification of impacts has been an iterative process. The process of impact identification began during the technical review process. Through obtaining an understanding of the proposed project, the SIA team was able to start identifying the potential social impacts that may be associated with the various project components. The baseline data analysis undertaken provided valuable social context which allowed for the review and refinement of the social impacts initially identified. Engagement provided the opportunity to verify the potential social impacts identified, and for the collection of data to validate these impacts.