Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 15 4.2.1 TECHNICAL REVIEW In order to develop an understanding of the project components that make up the WNP, a detailed technical review was undertaken. The following reports and information sources were included in the technical review: • The Proposed Waihi North Project Overview (OGNZL issued public engagement material, June 2021). • Waihi North Project, Project Description, Rev 2 (Document No: WAI-985-000-SOW-GE-0001; OGNZL, October 2021). • Waihi North Project High Level Schedule (OGNZL, December 2021). • Waihi North Project – Labour Schedule (OGNZL, December 2021). • Project layout plans and aerial imagery. In addition to the technical review, a review of the statutory and non-statutory plans and policies was undertaken to provide high level context to the project (Appendix A). 4.2.2 BASELINE DATA ANALYSIS Relevant data was sourced and analysed in order to develop an understanding of the social context in which the proposed WNP will take place. The baseline data has been analysed and used to inform the SIA. The Baseline Data Analysis Report (Appendix B) includes attributes relating to demographics, economics, employment, property, and community infrastructure. 4.2.3 ENGAGEMENT The objectives of engagement were to: • Obtain an understanding of local values, knowledge, and experiences. • Provide an opportunity to validate existing data and obtain further primary data to support the assessment. • Understand the interests and perspectives of stakeholders and the community and ensure that the assessment and identification of avoidance, remediation and mitigation measures was informed by local knowledge. A range of engagement tools were used to collect primary data to inform the understanding of the social context and the identification and assessment of impacts. A summary of the engagement methods that were selected to target the various stakeholder groups identified as relevant to the WNP is provided in Table 2. Table 2: Summary of Engagement Methods STAKEHOLDER GROUP ENGAGEMENT METHODS Residents affected by proximity Street Events: Street events were held with groups of residents identified as being close proximity residents. This provided an opportunity for residents to discuss the project and raise issues and concerns. Follow up discussions were held online where landowners were unable to attend or required additional time for discussion.