Supporting Technical Assessments

3-AD006.00 SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAIHI NORTH PROJECT Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited WSP June 2022 2 1.2 ASSUMPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS The following assumptions and exclusions apply to the scope of this SIA study: • The assessment is based on the project related information as available at the time of writing this report, that being March 2022. • Economic impacts have been identified from a social perspective only, considering the potential social effects on local and regional businesses and communities. • Cultural impacts affecting culture, land, water and air are not addressed in this SIA. OGNZL is in consultation with iwi and Cultural Values Assessments will be prepared for inclusion in the AEE, this will be undertaken independently of the SIA. • Technical assessments have separately considered a range of specialist areas that are affected or require consideration in a project of this nature. These assessments of effects have been carried out by the relevant technical specialist and their findings relied upon. Technical reports have been reviewed in this assessment from a social perspective only. • An assessment of the implications of the closure of the proposed WNP is not included in this SIA as this is within the ambit of the broader decommissioning and closure requirements of the Waihi Mining Operations. The preparation of a Rehabilitation and Closure Plan has been identified as a condition of consent. This plan is required to include an assessment of any risk posed to the environment and neighbouring communities in the event of closure. • Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the majority of the engagement work which had been planned to take place face-to-face was undertaken remotely via online platforms (Microsoft Teams and Zoom) and telephone. Whilst remote engagement was not the preferred method, WSP is satisfied that the engagement undertaken was effective in supporting the identification of social issues and informing recommendations in this SIA.