Supporting Technical Assessments

1 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] P: 027 272 7930 P: 027 807 9018 Memo To: Stephanie Hayton, OGNZL Job No: 2034 From: Graham Ussher, RMA Ecology Ltd Date: 19 June 2022 Ver 10 cc: Kathrine Muchna, Boffa Miskell; Dylan van Winkel, Bioresearches; Kerry Watson, OGNZL; Helen Blackie, Boffa Miskell Subject: OGNZL Wharekirauponga frogs: Potential adverse ecological effects1 Dear Stephanie, Part of our brief for the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine (WUG) component of the Waihi North Project for OceanaGold (NZ) Ltd (OGNZL) is to prepare an ecological risk assessment2. The focus of the risk assessment is Archey’s frog (Leiopelma archeyi) and Hochstetter’s frog (L. hochstetteri), and includes all proposed activities associated with the WUG that may adversely affect these species, including their habitat. The expert team involved in this risk assessment has been: · Dr Graham Ussher (RMA Ecology Ltd) as risk assessment project lead and key author on this report; · Katherine Muchna (Boffa Miskell Ltd) as project ecologist involved with leading/ undertaking sitebased frog assessment work and preparing the overall ecology effects assessment for the WUG component of the Project; and · Dylan van Winkel (Bioresearches [Babbage Consultants]) as specialist peer reviewer on the Archey’s frog-focussed work at Wharekirauponga undertaken by Boffa Miskell. Mr van Winkel also undertook a separate research report regarding the potential effects of vibration on Archey’s and Hochstetter’s frogs (Bioresearches, 2022). Support for the risk assessment team has been provided by the following in technical coordination and technical expert roles: · Kerry Watson (OGNZL) – OGNZL cross-discipline lead/ coordinator · Stephanie Hayton (NGZNL) - OGNZL cross-discipline lead/ coordinator · John Heilig (Heilig & Partners) – Vibration modelling · Richard Chilton (T+T) - Air quality modelling from mine vents · Chris Simpson (GWS Ltd) - Hydrogeological assessment of dewatering risk · Helen Blackie (Boffa Miskell) - Pest control programme design · Brian Lloyd (Lloyds Consulting) – Biostatistical analysis for frog density & abundance distribution 1 This document has been produced for New Zealand consenting purposes only. Information contained herein must not be relied on for investment purposes. 2 Our work has been undertaken under OGNZ Master Consulting Agreement OGN-3144.