Supporting Technical Assessments

This document may not be reproduced in full or in part without the written consent of Marshall Day Acoustics Limited Rp 001 R0 20210601 SJP (Waihi North Noise Assessment) ISSUE 44 of 79 9.5 Off-site Construction Noise Calculations As described in Section 5.2, we have prepared some calculations to demonstrate the areas likely to be affected by off-site construction noise, which is in addition to those prepared for specific activities as detailed in Table 1. Our examples focus on trenching works and intersection works that may be required in the vicinity of SH25. Table 17 details the equipment that has been included in our calculations. All sources have been assumed to be operating simultaneously over the calculation reference period, with no other adjustments applied to the resulting noise levels. Table 17: Typical Noise sources included in WUG road work construction calculations Trenching Works Intersection Works Plant/Equipment Noise Level, dB LWA Plant/Equipment Noise Level, dB LWA Cable winch and generator 92 Generator 92 Small excavator 98 Dewatering pump 94 General tool use 99 General tool use 97 Compaction plate 99 Small excavator 98 Telescopic handler 103 Large excavator 100 Compressor 102 Bobcat or similar 103 Asphalt paver and tipper 104 Vibratory roller 106 Calculated noise contour plots are shown overleaf for each of the two scenarios, in Figure 29 and Figure 30, respectively. While only indicative at this stage of the project, the calculations indicate that only a relatively small area will be influenced by construction noise when it occurs. For minor works, such as trenching, compliance will be achieved at a distance of 20 metres from the road, with regard to the typical-duration works’ noise limit of 75 dB LAeq. Properties within approximately 100 metres will receive noise levels that are elevated above the typical daytime noise environment. Similarly, for more substantial works such as those required to upgrade the SH25 intersection, compliance will be achieved at distances beyond 40 metres, while properties up to 250 metres from the worksite could receive elevated noise levels. As there are few dwellings close to Willows Road, and the overall duration of construction works will be relatively short, we expect that noise effects associated with construction will be acceptable. There may be limited times when construction noise is above the construction noise limits. Temporary screens should therefore be installed if houses are within 20 metres of works, and communication with affected residents provided. Furthermore, works such as trenching are mobile in nature, so any effect on a given location will be limited as the works progress along the road.