13 Memorandum : Vibration effects on amphibians (Leiopelmatid frogs) 64524 Vibration effects_memorandum (15 June 2022)_Final Rev 0.docx It is important to recognise though, that the Golden Cross data does not provide evidence of a vibration threshold above which a response that is meaningful in an ecological sense could be expected. In the absence of evidence for or against the adverse effects of vibration on leiopelmatid behaviour or recruitment, a precautionary response to assessing the effect of vibrations with amplitudes higher than 2–4 mm/s is warranted. Kind regards, Dylan van Winkel M.Sc. Senior Ecologist / Herpetologist Babbage Consultants Limited Level 4, 68 Beach Road, Auckland 1010 PO Box 2027, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140, New Zealand T +64 9 379 9980 DDI +64 9 367 5288 M 027 341 3497 E [email protected] W www.bioresearches.co.nz