This document may not be reproduced in full or in part without the written consent of Marshall Day Acoustics Limited Rp 001 R0 20210601 SJP (Waihi North Noise Assessment) ISSUE 38 of 79 9.2 Willows SFA Noise Calculation Results SoundPlan modelling has been used to calculate the noise levels from the various noise sources associated with the Willows SFA. The results for 5 scenarios are shown as noise contours in Appendix E and in Table 16 for individual receiver locations (R33 to R39 shown in Figure 23). The contours for the highest noise level scenario, 1b, are shown in Figure 24 overleaf. Figure 23: Location of Willows SFA and nearby receivers Table 16: Calculated noise levels at select dwellings for each model scenario Receiver (Figure 23) Receiver Address* Calculated Noise Level for Model Scenarios, dB LAeq 1a Services Installation 1b Facilities Construction 2a Initial Tunnelling 2b Later Tunnelling 2c Night Operations 33 122 Willows Rd 49 52 45 46 38 34 111 Willows Rd 44 46 42 43 35 35 129A Corbett Rd 42 46 42 43 33 36 202 Corbett Rd 26 30 28 29 21 37 65 Corbett Rd 36 37 34 36 27 38 508 Waihi-Whangamata Road 34 33 31 34 23 39 98A Highland Rd 24 31 25 28 15 * Dwelling at 132Willows Road excluded as this will be occupied by OGNZL. 9.2.1 Willows SFA Noise Effects Calculated noise levels for each of the modelled scenarios are presented in Table 16. Noise contours for each scenario are shown on the subsequent pages. The calculated noise levels in Table 16 (without extra mitigation) show that noise levels comply with the relevant noise limits at all locations. We note that for 122 Willows Road during one construction phase for facilities construction (daytime only), noise levels are above 50 dB LAeq. However, this Scenario 1a activity is considered construction noise so readily complies with the construction criteria. At most receivers, noise levels readily comply by some margin, due to the distance between the site and the dwellings. A number of the receiver locations comply with the 50 dB LAeq limit by a considerable margin with a number of scenarios below 40 dB LAeq. We consider this would ensure the existing amenity would remain largely unaffected. Night-time operations would comply with the 40 dB LAeq noise limit in all cases. Aside from Receivers 33-35, noise levels will be below 30 dB LAeq at all other dwellings and thus below the existing background noise level at night (31 dB LA90 as per Table 5). In these cases, noise from SFA activity will essentially be inaudible over other existing sounds. For the closest three receivers, noise levels may be slightly higher than the the background levels at times, although the average existing noise level of 38 dB LAeq is notably the same as the highest predicted value in Table 16. This indicates that, while noise from the activity may be audible at times, it is unlikely to be significantly beyond the existing ambient noise levels and therefore will not be a major change to the noise environment. We note that the noise levels discussed here are external levels – noise received inside dwellings where occupants are sleeping will be much lower. Beyond the night-time activity that we have explicitly assessed, any further proposed night-time activity needs to be carefully considered in the NMP, required by the conditions, to ensure compliance.