This document may not be reproduced in full or in part without the written consent of Marshall Day Acoustics Limited Rp 001 R0 20210601 SJP (Waihi North Noise Assessment) ISSUE 21 of 79 4.0 RECOMMENDED NOISE CRITERIA Based on the preceding sections, a slightly revised approach to managing noise emissions fromWaihi mining operations is proposed, compared to what has previously been applied through the various consents. The Waihi North Project itself has a broad goal to align the various discrete mining activities undertaken by OGNZL in Waihi. In practice this is likely to mean operational noise emissions are controlled to a lower level than previously, resulting in better outcomes for residents. As well as this benefit, we note that for residents, it is useful to know that the noise limits that apply are consistent across the project. Construction noise is recommended to be controlled in general accordance with NZS 6803 (which is also consistent with the District Plan (refer Section 2.2.2)). 4.1 Recommended Construction Noise Limits We consider it good practice and appropriate to ensure that construction, maintenance and demolition noise generally complies with New Zealand Standard NZS 6803:1999 “Acoustics – Construction Noise” (NZS 6803), which is also consistent with the District Plan. NZS 6803 provides for higher noise criteria during normal working hours for construction noise received in residential areas to enable construction activity to take place. For commercial and industrial areas, less stringent noise criteria are specified during night-time when it is less likely that persons or business activities would be affected by construction noise. NZS 6803 specifies more stringent noise criteria for construction activity in residential areas that occurs during Sundays. It is generally accepted that the lower Sunday noise criteria are intended to provide a day of rest from noise, as the 55 dB LAeq limit is such that only quieter operations would be possible. This approach is considered reasonable for the Project given the long duration of the construction programme and the ambient noise levels in the vicinity. Compliance with NZS 6803 would, in our opinion, constitute the adoption of the ‘best practicable option’ (BPO) for the control of construction noise, thus satisfying the requirement of Section 16 of the RMA. As we discuss in section 1.1.4, there are some specific activities that should be defined as construction (refer Table 6). We note that this list may well not be exhaustive, and that certain other elements of the works may also be defined as construction. Therefore, the conditions of consent should reflect that, by having relevant clauses that do not limit only those activities listed in the table below as being the only construction activities. This is reflected in the wording of the conditions of consent prepared by Mitchell Daysh. We therefore recommend the following controls apply to these activities: For all activities listed in Table 6 below, the NZS 6803 construction noise limits previously presented in Table 2 apply. Table 6: Definition of WNP construction activities Component Construction Activities GOP • Relocation of overhead powerline, existing Favona Portal and associated infrastructure. • Construction of crusher and conveyor system. • Construction of silt or collection ponds, associated drains, and noise barriers (bunds or walls). • Topsoil stripping and construction of a topsoil stockpile. • Initial mining preparation for a period of 12 months, • Construction of MUG portal, initial sections of the underground drives, and associated infrastructure. NRS • Construction of the initial clean and dirty water perimeter drains and collection pond. • Rock stack preparatory work, including topsoil stripping and stockpiling, foundations, compacted liner, underdrains, surface water diversion drains and silt ponds. • Relocation of existing facilities: workshop and amenities. TSF3 • Construction of the upstream clean water diversion drain. • Placement and compaction of the TSF3 initial embankment foundation and Zone A liner materials. • Foundation preparation for the soil stockpiles and then stripping and consolidating soil from construction activities. Processing Plant • All activities associated with installing replacement and new facilities within the Processing Plant and Water Treatment Plant. WUG • All vent shaft construction and évasé installations (including helicopter operations) • All construction of and within the WUG Surface Facilities Area, and of all site roads and access tracks. • Construction of Willows Portal, initial sections of the underground drives, and associated infrastructure. • Construction of the Services Trench fromWillows Road to the Processing Plant. • Upgrades required to Willows Road and SH25 intersection. The construction noise limits also apply to the more general construction, demolition or rehabilitation activities listed in Section 1.1.4